Here’s a book with some practical advice on how to think better

Have you ever wondered why some of your best ideas come to you on a walk or when you’re having a coffee? Maybe like Steve Jobs, you get inspiration from walk and talk meetings? According to his biography, ‘taking a long walk was his preferred way to have a serious conversation.’ Well, there is solid … Read more

Cultivating a positive work culture to inspire human magic

The staff are always happy to greet you at our local deli/general store. It doesn’t matter who serves you; they are always courteous and friendly. It starts with the manager, who says, ‘I just want it to be a nice place, for customers and staff.’ And it works. I always find it a pleasure to … Read more

The power of letting go of being liked and embracing authentic leadership

It frustrated Veronica her team never met their commitments. She was forever trying to pin them down for completion dates and complaining when they evaded her. Her clients were also giving her grief that her team ignored deadlines and did not deliver on what they promised. She asked herself what the point was of putting … Read more

If you want to be an effective leader, learn how to listen

Charismatic leaders are like magnets, attracting people to them. But maybe their charisma is not based on what we think it is. The myth of a charismatic leader is someone who is inspiring on the podium, commands the room, and enjoys speaking. But when people describe charismatic leaders they have met, it’s their ability to … Read more

Take the busy monkey off your back; the shift from doing to leading

Dianne was a prodigious doer. She accomplished more than most people. But it meant she was always running from back-to-back meetings/Zoom calls during the day; dealing with emails at night. Her young family also demanded her time, which meant she often felt over stretched. The prospect she could burn out confronted her if she continued … Read more