A Global Challenge

I want to share a recent conversation I had with Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer for Dell in the USA.  He is travelling the globe presenting the highlights of a ground breaking report that Dell commissioned, The C-suite Challenges IT – New Expectations for Business Value.  It has important implications for businesses everywhere.  The report … Read more

Is it me or is it them?

I was talking to a mentor of mine some years back and was trying to tell him, that it was really not me that was the problem, it was them…!! He nodded wisely and then told me that whilst that may be true, the fact is that I can’t control ‘them’ or what they do … Read more

Moving up the Influence Curve

It’s 1971.  I am in my first job as a trainee electronic draftsman in the Postmaster General’s Department, the predecessor to Telstra.  I am asking my boss, “What do the clients think about it taking us two weeks to complete a simple drawing?”  My boss, a 50-something-year-old career draftsman, replies “Who cares what they think. … Read more