Dell/MIX Hackathon
I want to let you know about an ambitious project that Jim Stikeleather (Chief Innovation Officer-Dell Services), Gary Hamel and the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) have launched.
I want to let you know about an ambitious project that Jim Stikeleather (Chief Innovation Officer-Dell Services), Gary Hamel and the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) have launched.
Now is a perfect time to create a theme for the year. Have you already wondered what happened to January?
Why is that some businesses are able to reinvent themselves and others just seem to be stuck?
The main theme of the book is how CIOs are fundamentally changing the dynamics of the business enterprise……
I want to share a recent conversation I had with Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer for Dell in the USA. He is travelling the globe presenting the highlights of a ground breaking report that Dell commissioned, The C-suite Challenges IT – New Expectations for Business Value. It has important implications for businesses everywhere. The report … Read more