What’s the main thing you need to be an outstanding leader?

One of the most common questions I am asked when people find out I am an executive coach is, “What’s the main thing you need to be an outstanding leader?”  My answer is outstanding leaders know how to connect with people and get the best from them. It is not about making everyone happy, but … Read more

How to shift your focus and end the year happy with your accomplishments

Daniel brought his leadership team together for an end-of-year acknowledgment session, only to find they were despondent about what they had NOT completed. We asked each member of the leadership team, “What are you most proud of having accomplished this year?” They all came up with at least one thing that stood out that they … Read more

How leaders embrace challenges and build resilience

A raft of problems beset Marie. Her new boss had thrown the pieces of the organisation jigsaw puzzle into the air. Her position was now in question. Some of her colleagues had their knives out, competing with her for resources and attention. She was worried and questioned whether she had what it takes to do … Read more

Role models like Ted show us how to live an extraordinary life

What is it about birthdays ending with zero that prompts us to reflect on our lives and reassess where we are going? A single zero causes us to re-evaluate life so we can only imagine what celebrating a birthday with two zeros is like. My good friend Ted Holmes has been reflecting on his extraordinary … Read more

How leaders provide psychological safety to take risks and make mistakes

Sharon sees psychological safety as being about providing the space for people to succeed. She believes people should feel that they are in a safe enough space, to take risks, to be wrong sometimes and make mistakes. It is about her team believing that being accountable is a good thing, to fail fast and get … Read more