Are you setting the tone?

As a leader you set the tone for the way people around you behave. They are modelling your cues far more than you think. Leaders exemplify the culture they want to create; the way we do things around here. Dianne set the tone of valuing her team members. She took an interest in everyone on … Read more

Are you creating free time?

Graeme was spending all his time on other people’s agendas. His diary was packed with back to back meetings, his emails were out of control, budget forecasts and project reports were relentless and of course staff issues were constantly distracting him. He had no time to think about tomorrow’s agenda, to ponder the strategic issues … Read more

Are you connecting with the people around you?

Dan knew for sure that one of his team members was a future senior leader. He first got to know her by talking to her about the range of her experience, both personally and professionally. Over time he discovered that she could be counted on to deliver on what she promised. He could see that … Read more