How the coaching model of theory and practice is the best way to learn

You can’t expect to get fit by having a session with a fitness trainer, without doing the work between sessions. Of course, turning up is better than doing nothing, but you need deliberate practice if you really want to achieve your aim to get fit. The fitness coach doesn’t do the work. They may guide … Read more

Expand your leadership if you want to play a bigger game

Catherine landed the biggest deal her business had ever signed. Her global CEO congratulated her in front of the executive leadership team for the impact she had on the company. However, the accolades soon turned to anguish as she confronted the expectations she had created to deliver on the contract. Her confidence sank. Have you … Read more

Leadership is about bringing people along with you

Kevin could see solutions to problems long before others. But it made him impatient with his team; they could not keep up with him. They would often discuss a problem they faced, but he could already see a solution and wanted to push forward. However, if he did so before everyone had aligned, it only … Read more

How quiet reflection leads to more effective action

Grace had a relentless schedule of back-to-back meetings and video calls. There was no time in her day for reflection, where she could think about the future. Her work came at her like the machine that fires tennis balls at players on the practice court. In this case however, there was no way to switch … Read more

How leaders benefit from having someone tell them the truth

How would you rate your driving skills? In a US study, 93 percent of respondents rated themselves as above-average drivers. In another survey, 36 percent of drivers believed they were an above-average driver while texting. This phenomenon, called illusory superiority, recognises a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their positive abilities relative to others. … Read more