Google’s Leadership Team Turnaround

In the early 2000s, Google was skyrocketing, and the company’s co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, along with CEO Eric Schmidt, faced significant challenges in scaling the organisation. Despite their immense talent and vision, the leadership team was struggling with alignment and communication. The rapid pace of growth led to silos within the organisation, and … Read more

Eric Schmidt on the value of team coaching

Back in 2004, the Google board threw Eric Schmidt a curveball by asking him to step aside as Chairman while staying on as CEO. Eric wasn’t thrilled—after all, he believed he had earned the trust of the founders and employees, and the company was thriving as it prepared to go public. Feeling a bit stung, … Read more

Employees are more engaged when they are having fun

Frances finds that having fun is a big part of building greater engagement with her team. She challenges them to come up with innovative ways to enjoy themselves as a team and learn something new. For example, they chose an art class that included wine and cocktails for the team end-of-year function. Everyone received lessons … Read more

You are better off with good people for a short time than average performers who stay too long

If you are a game-changing leader, you already know that you need to attract and retain the best talent to work with you. You also know that even if you keep them challenged and you invest in their development, you may still struggle to retain them. If they are talented, they are likely to be … Read more