Good leaders are always learning and growing

When Chris Dowling looks back at the managers he has had over 30 years, it amazes him how many of them supported him and believed in him, perhaps more than he believed in himself sometimes. Their influence lives on through their example. One thing he noticed was that good leaders were always learning and growing.  … Read more

How learning and growing goes with the territory of being a leader

Faye impressed her prospective employer at interview and won a big new job. But as soon as she started in the new role, she confronted the magnitude of her new challenge. She questioned whether she was capable of delivering on her promise.  Self-help books suggested she should fake it until she made it. However, she … Read more

Are you connecting with the people around you?

Dan knew for sure that one of his team members was a future senior leader. He first got to know her by talking to her about the range of her experience, both personally and professionally. Over time he discovered that she could be counted on to deliver on what she promised. He could see that … Read more

Are you learning and growing?

A few months into a new job and Kevin was already asking himself how he would know when it was time to leave. It was a question that had come up often in his earlier career. He had moved jobs every year or two, so that he did not get stuck in one job for … Read more